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Traditional Dance Music

Traditional Music

Bal Folk contains 214 tunes, mostly from central France and will be of interest to anyone who enjoys playing French music, or playing for French dancing. The tunes are suitable for melodeon, fiddle and accordion, and many will fit within the range of bagpipes and hurdy gurdy. It contains the usual mix of mazurkas, valses, scottisches, two and three time bourrees, and polkas that are encountered at a ‘Bal Folk’ in France.

Bal Folk


40 pages


Book Only

ISBN: 978 1 899512 76 8

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Traditional Music

Hugh Rippon, caller and composer of country dances, has colaborated with Dave Mallinson to create a dual purpose book of dances and tunes. The 26 dances are fully explained by Hugh and can be used straight from the page. Mally has selected a wide range of 52 tunes, with chords, from Britain, Ireland and America that fit the dances and make a versatile and intriguing repertoire.

The Willow Tree Book

Hugh Ripon and Dave Mallinson


32 pages


Book Only

ISBN: 978 1 899512 26 3

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Traditional Music

Dansons la Morvandelle contains 152 tunes from Morvan, a 'parc régional' in south Burgundy, presented in keys suitable for British players. Morvan is an area of gently wooded hills, pastureland and lakes. It has a strong regional identity and is proud of its folk heritage. Traditional music forms an integral part of this heritage.

Dansons la Morvandelle

Mike Gilpin


32 pages


Book Only

ISBN: 978 1 899512 95 9

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