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Ensemble Playing

This book contains twenty of the most popular traditional melodies, both dance tunes and song airs, from around Britain and Ireland. Each tune is arranges with a harmony part for a second melody instrument as well as a chord accompaniment. Soundtrack available.

Airs for Pairs

Matt Seattle


20 pages


Book Only

ISBN: 978 1 899512 70 6

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This book of duets contains twenty one Scottish tunes of core repertoire which the editor, Matt Seattle, feels should have a place in the repertoire of all musicians who reside in these Islands.

Scottish Airs for Pairs

Matt Seattle


20 pages


Book Only

ISBN: 978 1 899512 72 0

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This book of duets contains a further twenty one tunes from around the British Isles of core repertoire which the editor, Matt Seattle, feels should have a place in the repertoire of all musicians who reside in these Islands, plus some interesting older tunes as well as more recent music composed in traditional idioms. The balance in this book is weighted a little more in favour of the slower tunes.

More Airs for Pais

Matt Seattle


20 pages


Book Only

ISBN: 078 1 899512 71 3

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